Партньорите от България, 93-то Средно Училище „Александър Теодоров-Балан“ и Сдружение на младите психолози в България „4-ти Април“, има удоволствието да Ви поканят на Събитие за разпространение на резултатите по проект „Отново заедно
Leer más... Покана за Събитие за разпространение на резултатите по проект „Отново заедно“
The fourth and final meeting of Together Again project took place in Nitra, Slovakia, on 28-29 September.
Leer más... 4th Transnational Meeting in Nitra
The third meeting of the Erasmus+ project "Together Again" took place on 16 and 17 March 2023 in Sofia (Bulgaria). The meeting was attended by all partners - representatives of primary and secondary schools and NGOs from Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Spain.
Leer más... 3rd Transnational Meeting
The project "TOGETHER AGAIN: Practical techniques for relating interpersonal relationships and fostering psychosocial development in the post-Covid-19 era" is implemented under the European Union programme ERASMUS +.
Leer más... The project "TOGETHER AGAIN"
We are already after the first transnational meeting of the Together Again project. The first meeting within the Together Again project took place in charming Limanowa. Together Again- this is the slogan of the project.
Leer más... Kick-off Transnational Meeting